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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Napolitano admits, just like Holder, She hasn't Read New Arizona Law, but Condemns it Anyway

On Monday, May 18, a Senate Committee hearing was held in Washington DC concerning the oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

As a member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, Sen. John McCain, (AZ-R) was present and took the opportunity to stray from the subject and ask Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, what she plans to do about border security.

In particular, McCain wanted to know the status of his past request that the Coast Guard be sent to help secure the Arizona / Mexico border.  Napolitano, a former Arizona Governor, was aware McCain had made this request.

"I want to know about whether you're going to send the Guard to the border or not," McCain asked

Napolitano answered that the question was still being considered by her department, Homeland Security, as well as the Defense Department and the White House.  She said she hoped a decision would be made "as soon as possible, but I cannot give you a date certain."

McCain responded;
"Well, meanwhile, people's homes are being violated, and their families can't take kids to the bus stop ...So I don't know what it takes for us to get a decision on it. At least the people in my state have the right to know whether ...they're going to be sent or not."
McCain also asked Napolitano, who has criticized Arizona's controversial new immigration law on television, if she'd had a chance to review the law.
"I have not reviewed it in detail," Napolitano answered, "I certainly know of it, senator."

He then asked if that meant she was not prepared to make a judgment on it.

Napolitano answered; 
"Let me just say this: As you know, and are well aware, that's not the kind of law I would have signed...I believe that it's a bad law-enforcement law. I believe it mandates and requires local law enforcement and puts them in a position many do not want to be placed in. When I was dealing with laws of that ilk, most of the law enforcement organizations in Arizona, at that time, were opposed to such legislation."
McCain responded that he'd "be pleased maybe in writing to hear what specific aspect of the law would impede or harm law enforcement, since the majority of law enforcement in Arizona strongly supports this legislation."  He went on;
"And, unfortunately, ... the president of the United States portrayed it as a -- that someone can't even go out for ice cream without being harassed, which is one of the more outrageous statements I've ever heard, and now our own attorney general has, after condemning the law, said that he hadn't even read it....This is an important issue not just in Arizona, but around this country."
Attorney General Eric Holder, who has warned that the law can lead to racial profiling, had told the House Judiciary Committee last Thursday that he'd "glanced" at Arizona's new law, SB 1070, but hadn't actually read it.  This admission drew criticism from many conservatives, including Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's campaign. Holder said he plans to read it before determining whether it's constitutional. (Well, we sure hope so!)

On Tuesday, May 18, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said he hadn't read the bill either, even though he had defended a diplomat for comparing it to Chinese human rights violations.

President Barack Obama has also drawn lots of criticism for making jokes about Arizona and the law.  More than likely, he hasn't read it either.  But not wanting to lose potential Latino votes, Obama has requested that the Justice Department and Homeland Security examine SB 1070 for any civil-rights violations.

See Video of Napolitano Statement


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