UPHOLD FEDERAL LAW - Support Citizens of Arizona and their Families!

- Increasing border related crime has stressed Arizona citizens, who have begged authorities to keep their families safe. Arizona's SB1070, set to take effect July 29, 2010, requires police to uphold federal Immigration law. In response, some have wrongly called for Boycotts of Arizona. Please Support Fellow citizens in Arizona: 'Boycott the Boycotters,' and Buy Arizona Products. - #BuyArizona #ISupportAZ - Check Archive tabs for additional Articles & Information

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pakistani caught crossing border into Arizona

From KVOA News4, Tuscon, Arizona, - 6/3/2010 at 4:21 pm :
TUCSON - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials confirm with News4, a Pakistani citizen crossed the border illegally from Mexico into Arizona on May 20th.
ICE says the man was apprehended by Border Patrol on the Tohono O'odham reservation and turned over to ICE.

Fox Nation also posted the same two sentences - there is no date or time, but the first commenter appears to have posted Friday, June 04, 2010 at 09:46 am

SO - Why, with all the leftist accusations of racism, DC Bureaucrats refusing to enforce federal law, and liberal city governments threatening boycotts, are we not hearing more about this? 

One commenter on Fox Nation asks some very interesting questions -

MINDY! posted Saturday, June 05, 2010 at 03:36 am;

"Where is this guy now?....what's the story?......why didn't anyone know about this for two weeks?.......Did ICE let him go after they fingerprinted him and took his picture?......they did take his picture didn't they?....Who interviewed this guy, and when did this terrorist get his Miranda rights?.......Why didn't we hear from the DHS Sec how safe our border is?........Someone really needs to look into this HOLDER>>>> NAPOLITANO!!!!!!and then come up with some convincing line of bullship to tell the people who have been screaming to close and protect our borders

I agree with Mindy.  President Obama - Does it not matter to your administration how upset the majority of the American public are becoming?  Is your administration really this blind to reality?

Why has there been no attention to the fact that, yes - an unsecured border could be a threat to our security? Why are so many on the left reticent to admit there might be a problem, and continue to insist that there is no need for border control?

Another commenter had this to say -

Louisianimal posted Saturday, June 05, 2010 at 02:48 PM;
This incident and the recent Mexican drug cartel wanting to blow up the dam in TX and the knowledge that Somalii terrorists are crossing into TX should be enough to demand the Feds to SECURE OUR BORDER . How could Homeland Security advise Texans to be on the lookout for Somali terrorists and at the same time tell Americans that the borders are as safe as they've ever been? Janet Napolitano should be fired. She is a traitor to Governor Brewer and all Americans. Not to mention the 12 million illegals allowed to wander on in. I say let's reform our immigration laws to mirror Mexico's. We also have John Brennan (counterterrorism) telling us there are no 'jihadists or Islamic radicals". How safe are we?

FURTHER - given the fact that several Arizona tribes have raised their voices against immigration law, claiming to be the true owners of the land and threatening bloodshed, I would like to know what this man was doing on the Tohono O'odham Reservation.

At this point, the left's argument that there is no need for Arizona's law is not only ludicrous, it's aiding criminals and potential terrorists.
I have no idea what we can do about it - other than come out full force in November and put Congressional politicians back in their place - their home state, with no further power or opportunity to hurt our us or country.


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